Module 3

Training load – France

The module organized by INSEP aims to provide you with high quality and up-to-date knowledge on training load. In addition, it will raise your awareness on the importance of using scientific knowledge to find practical solutions. This module will, tackle “Training Load”, which is one of the key factors regulating training planning, focus on the exchange of good practices among participants and in co-developing sessions supported by experts. In a view to adapt to the requests and questions of the trainees, a pool of resource people able to bring their expertise anytime during the training session will be created. This team will help you in the resolution of the case studies. They are all experts in their field (elite coaches, elite strength and conditioning coaches, researchers, doctors, e.g.) and connected to the topic of the module. Their role will be to: a) Support the groups in their work on case-studies, b) Interventions during the collective sessions, c) Organize conferences, d) Support the trainees in their personal reflection.

Skills and competences acquired during the module:

Responsible for the Module